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The Hill Times' Hot Room

May 17, 2021

Nearly three million Canadian citizens live in another country. Senator Yuen Pau Woo tells us why he thinks the government should do more to harness this "hidden asset" for Canada.

May 13, 2021

Canada doesn't have a stellar track record on going after tax evasion and avoidance. The budget made some investments to help enforcement, but will it work? Senator Percy Downe and NDP MP Matthew Green walk us through it to find out. 

Music by Gavin Gardiner 


May 6, 2021

Bill C-10, the bill to update the Broadcasting Act introduced by Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault, has been making headlines for weeks after an amendment was introduced that experts and the opposition says could regulate social media content.

The Wire Report's Jenna Cocullo gets us up to speed on the actual bill,...